활동적인 운동자신의 힘을 사용하여 하는 운동(수동 운동 참조). |
일상 생활 활동(ADL)Refers to the activities we normally do in daily routine including any daily activity we perform for self-care such as feeding ourselves, bathing, dressing, toileting, grooming, work, homemaking, parenting responsibilities and leisure. The ability or inability to perform ADLs can be used as a very practical measure of ability/disability in many disorders. |
아쿠아틱 물리 치료 / 수치료The evidence-based and skilled practice of physical therapy in an aquatic environment by a physical therapist involving activity performed in water to assist in rehabilitation. It is a form of exercise in a warm pool and refers to treatments and exercises performed in a warm water pool for relaxation, fitness, physical rehabilitation, and other therapeutic benefit. This is a popular treatment for patients with neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions. |
동맥혈 가스 - (ABG)is a test of blood from an artery and measures the amounts of certain gases (such as oxygen and carbon dioxide) that are in arterial blood. The results of this test give clues about how well your lungs, heart, and kidneys are working. An ABG test involves puncturing an artery with a thin needle and syringe and drawing a small volume of blood. |
열망The drawing of a foreign substance, such as mucus or food, into the respiratory tract during inhalation. |
환기 보조기계식 환기 참조 |
위축근육 소모. |
자가 면역 질환Conditions in which the immune system produces antibodies that attack the body’s own cells, for example: Crohn’s Disease, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, and myasthenia gravis. LGMD is not an autoimmune disease. |
상염색체 유전남성과 여성 모두에게 동등하게 영향을 미치는 유전 패턴. 비정상 유전자는 X 또는 Y 염색체(성염색체라고도 함)에 있지 않습니다. |
AVAP 환기Average volume-assured pressure support. It is a form of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation that adjusts the pressure support (PS) to maintain a target average ventilation over several breaths. |
생검검사를 위해 소량의 조직을 제거합니다. |
양압기 환기(또는 BiPAP)Bilevel positive airway pressure. A type of noninvasive ventilation that helps with breathing by providing a flow of air delivered through a face mask. The air is pressurized by a machine, which delivers it to the face mask through long, plastic tubing. The machine delivers the air at two different pressures which alternate: A higher pressure to breathe in (called inspiratory positive airway pressure, or IPAP) and a lower pressure for breathing out (called expiratory positive airway pressure, or EPAP). |
구연산 칼슘This is a type of calcium and is often recommended by many neurologists for those with muscular dystrophy to prevent osteoporosis. |
척추통증증A group of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD) caused by mutations in the CAPN3 gene. LGMD2A/LGMD R1 calpain3-related is the more common form of Calpainopathy and has an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern, whereas LGMD 1i/LGMD D4 calpain3-related is the form with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. |
카프노그래프also known as capnometer; a monitoring device that painlessly measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in exhaled air (end tidal CO2) |
이산화탄소(CO2)What is exhaled in breathing. In some forms of MD, CO2 is retained, which means that an individual is not breathing out the CO2 or not inhaling enough air due to weakened breathing muscles. |
심장심장과 관련이 있습니다. |
심장 전문의Doctors who specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases of the heart and blood vessels. |
심근병증Refers to diseases of the heart muscle. In cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle becomes enlarged, thick, or rigid, and in some cases, the muscle tissue in the heart is replaced with scar tissue. As the disease gets worse, the heart becomes weaker and less able to pump blood through the body, which can lead to heart failure or arrhythmias. |
캐리어An individual who has inherited a genetic mutation but does not have any symptoms. They have one normal and one abnormal copy of a pair of genes which cause a genetic disorder. A carrier will usually remain unaffected throughout his or her life but may pass the faulty gene on to their children. |
염색체DNA is packaged in tiny units called chromosomes. Each chromosome contains a single long and tightly packed piece of DNA with many different genes. Every human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, and each pair contains one chromosome from each parent. |
임상 연구 및 시험Clinical studies and trials involve research using human volunteers (also called participants) that is intended to add to medical knowledge. Developing new medicines and treatments is a lengthy and complex process, relying heavily on volunteer participation to help with better understanding of the disease process as well as to evaluate potential therapies for safety and effectiveness in clinical trials. Clinical trials are conducted in a series of steps, called phases – each phase is designed to answer a separate research question. |
선천성어떤 특성이나 특징이 선천적이라는 것은 태어날 때부터 그 특성이 존재한다는 뜻입니다. |
수축An abnormal, often permanent contraction or shortening of the muscle (or tendon) that causes the joints to shorten and become very stiff. This prevents normal movement of a joint or other bodypart. Stretching helps to prevent this issue but still can occur. In some instances, surgery is required to release a contracture. |
CoughAssistA trademarked device by Philips Respironics that uses positive airway pressure that rapidly reverses to negative pressure to assist an individual’s cough; sometimes called a cough stimulating device or device for cough augmentation |
CPAP 또는 지속적 기도 양압A treatment that uses mild air pressure to keep the airways open. CPAP typically is used by people who have breathing problems, such as sleep apnea. CPAP is no longer recommended for use in neuromuscular disease patients as it provides one continuous pressure of air for both inhaling and exhaling. As such, it can be uncomfortable for weakened breathing muscles and does not assist with ventilation (moving air into and out of the lungs) for those with weak inspiratory muscles. |
크레아틴 키나아제(CK)A type of protein found in muscle. Some forms of muscular dystrophy are associated with high levels of creatine kinase in a blood test because when muscles are damaged due to disease or injury, the creatine kinase leaks into the bloodstream. |
진단 기준Guidelines, rules or characteristics used by a clinician to diagnose somebody with a particular condition. |
다이어프램The primary muscle of breathing that stretches across the area between your chest and waist to support your lungs. This is often the area that becomes weak and leads to respiratory issues in MD. |
원위예를 들어 손과 발과 같이 몸의 중심에서 멀어지는 것을 의미합니다. |
원위 근병증A group of conditions predominantly affecting the muscles farthest away from the center of the body, for example the hands and feet. |
DNA 또는 데옥시리보핵산A long molecule that contains our unique genetic code. Like a recipe book it holds the instructions for making all the proteins in our bodies. |
지배적 상속A method of genetic inheritance, whereby a single abnormal copy of a gene causes disease, even though a good copy of the gene is also present. We inherit one copy of each gene from our mother and one from our father. Individuals with a dominant condition have a 50% chance of passing on the altered gene, and resulting disease, to their children. |
내구성이 뛰어난 의료 장비(DME)Any medical equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and/or illnesses. Examples may include wheelchairs, scooters, bath benches, grab bars, patient lifts and other disability related equipment. |
연하 장애삼키기 어려움. |
디스트로글리칸 병증A group of limb girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD) caused by mutations in each dystroglycan-related gene. Each type of dystroglycanopathy is genetically different but people have similar symptoms.These include LGMD 2I/LGMD R9 dystroglycan-related (FKRP), LGMD 2K/LGMD R11 dystroglycan-related (POMT1), LGMD 2M/LGMD R13 dystroglycan-related (FKTN), LGMD 2N/LGMD R14 dystroglycan-related(POMT2), LGMD 2O/R15 dystroglycan-related (POMGnT1), and LGMD 2P/R16 dystroglycan-related (DAG1). |
영양 장애Relating to or afflicted with dystrophy. Muscles affected by muscular dystrophy may be described as dystrophic. |
영양 장애The word originates from two Greek words, ‘dys’ (‘faulty’) and ‘trophe’ (‘nourishment’). Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of disorders characterized by progressive muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue. |
이상 페린 병증A muscular dystrophy that is caused by mutations in the dysferlin gene regardless of the clinical presentation. |
심장 초음파초음파를 사용하여 심장 이미지를 생성합니다. |
배출 분수This is a measurement in the heart to see how well the heart muscle squeezes. When a patient has an echocardiogram, a result below 50% is indicative of a weak heart muscle. The term “ejection fraction” refers to the percentage of blood that is pumped out of a filled ventricle with each heartbeat. The left ventricle is the heart’s main pumping chamber, so ejection fraction is usually measured only in the left ventricle (LV). An LV ejection fraction of 55 percent or higher is considered normal. An LV ejection fraction of 50 percent or lower is considered reduced. Experts vary in their opinion about an ejection fraction between 50 and 55 percent, and some would consider this a “borderline” range. |
심전도(ECG)A test which records the electrical activity of the heart through electrodes attached to the skin. In some neuromuscular disorders, you can observe issues with heart electrical issues. |
근전도(EMG)A test that assesses the electrical activity of the muscles and the nerves controlling the muscles.It is used to help diagnose neuromuscular disorders. There are two kinds of EMG in widespread use:intramuscular (needle) and surface EMG. To perform intramuscular EMG, a needle electrode or a needle containing two fine-wire electrodes is inserted through the skin into the muscle tissue.Intramuscular EMG may be considered too invasive or unnecessary in some cases and an electrode placed on the surface of the skin is used. |
EPAP 환기Expiratory positive airway pressure. The pressure we exhale against with a bi-level ventilation device or as part of a bi-level mode of ventilation on a ventilator. |
피로특히 힘든 일이나 노력으로 인한 피로감이 심합니다. |
강제 폐활량(FVC)Refers to the amount of air one can exhale after inhaling as completely as possible. This is the value that is often measured by doctors and can be lower for MD patients. Restrictive lung disease is often used as a term in those with MD who have reduced FVC. However, the lungs are healthy and breathing issues result from weak muscles that interfere with inhalation and exhalation, so it is important to note that the lungs themselves are healthy. |
강제 폐활량(FVC)Refers to the amount of air one can exhale after inhaling as completely as possible. This is the value that is often measured by doctors and can be lower for MD patients. Restrictive lung disease is often used as a term in those with MD who have reduced FVC. However, the lungs are healthy and breathing issues result from weak muscles that interfere with inhalation and exhalation, so it is important to note that the lungs themselves are healthy. |
Gene유전자는 유전의 기본 물리적, 기능적 단위입니다. 유전자는 DNA로 구성됩니다. |
유전자 돌연변이A gene mutation (also called a gene variant) is an alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found in most people. Mutations range in size; they can affect anywhere from a single DNA building block (base pair) to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes. |
유전자 치료A technique that uses genes to treat disease. This is often done by introducing a new gene into a cell. The new gene may be used to replace a gene that is rendered inactive due to a mutation.Viruses are often used to deliver the new gene into the cells. |
유전 상담Information and support provided by a specialist such as a genetic counselor, a doctor, or a nurse, to people who have genetic conditions in their families, or are concerned about a genetically transmitted condition. Genetic counseling can provide guidance when a person with a genetic disease or a carrier of a genetic disease is planning for pregnancy. |
유전 질환Conditions or diseases that are determined by the genes or chromosomes are referred to as genetic disorders. |
유전자 검사A type of medical test that identifies changes in chromosomes, genes, or proteins through a blood or saliva sample. The results of a genetic test can confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or help determine a person’s chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder. |
게놈A genome is an organism’s complete set of genetic instructions. Each genome contains all the information needed to build that organism and allow it to grow and develop. |
하이퍼캡니아혈중 이산화탄소 농도가 높은 경우, 환기가 제대로 이루어지지 않아 발생하는 경우가 많습니다. |
저호흡얕은 호흡. |
저혈압Refers to decreased muscle tone, which can indicate a health problem or disorder, including congenital muscular dystrophy. Infants with hypotonia can seem floppy and like a rag doll. |
저산소혈증혈중 산소 수치가 비정상적으로 낮은 경우. |
상속개인이 부모나 조상으로부터 특성을 획득하는 과정. |
침습적 환기Refers to ventilation delivered via tubing from a ventilator through a tracheostomy, a surgically inserted hole in the windpipe (trachea). |
불수의근Involuntary muscles are the muscles that cannot be controlled by will or conscious and are often associated with organs that exhibit slow and regular contractions and relaxation. These muscles are mostly found lining the walls of internal organs like the stomach, intestine, urinary bladder, and blood capillaries. |
사지 거들 근이영양증(LGMD)A term used for a GROUP of rare neuromuscular conditions which are inherited and known to cause progressive muscle weakness & wasting. There are more than 30 different forms of LGMD (called subtypes) and all cause weakness of the ’limb-girdle’ muscles — the muscles surrounding the shoulders and hips. Signs and symptoms may first appear at any age and generally worsen with time, although in some cases they remain mild. |
전만증This term describes the inward curve of the lumbar spine just above the buttocks. A small degree of lordosis is normal, but too much curving of the lumbar spine, called swayback, can cause lower back pain. Swayback can occur in some types of muscular dystrophy, such as limb girdle muscular dystrophy. |
자기 공명 영상(MRI)A non-invasive body imaging procedure that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to construct pictures of the internal structures of the body. |
기계식 환기(인공호흡 보조 또는 보조 환기라고도 함)The medical procedure used to aid or replace breathing when a patient is unable to breathe adequately themselves. Devices prescribed for those living with neuromuscular disorders to assist with their ventilation (moving air into and out of the lungs) include bi-level devices (i.e., BiPAP) and portable ventilators. It includes the use of equipment that supports ventilation by means of volume or positive pressure, either invasively (tracheostomy) or non-invasively (masks, nasal pillows, and mouthpieces). |
근육 생검검사를 위해 소량의 근육 조직을 제거합니다. |
근육 섬유The basic unit of muscle tissue, also called a muscle cell. Individual muscles are made up of hundreds or thousands of muscle fibers that are bundled together. |
근병증신경 기능 장애로 인한 것이 아닌 근육의 모든 질환. |
근병증일반적으로 신경을 침범하지 않고 근육에 영향을 미치는 질환입니다. |
근염근육 염증. |
Myotonia근육이 수축한 후 이완이 느린 상태(근육 경직)를 말합니다. |
자연사 학습A study that follows a group of people over time who have, or are at risk of developing, a specific medical condition or disease. A natural history study collects health information to understand how the medical condition or disease develops and how to treat it. |
신경과 전문의Doctors who specialize in diseases and disorders of the brain and nervous system. Even though muscular dystrophy is a muscle disease, a neurologist is often the specialist who coordinates the care of a person with muscular dystrophy, both providing treatment, and referring the person to any number of specialists and sub specialists, as needed. |
신경 근육 장애(NMD)A wide range of diseases affecting the nerves and muscles of the body, often leading to progressive muscle weakness. |
신경 병증A medical term describing disorders of the nerves which carry signals to and from the muscles in the legs and arms. These nerves are known as the peripheral nerves. |
명명법Refers to a naming system. With LGMD, the different subtypes are identified by the gene mutation causing the condition and by the autosomal inheritance pattern of that subtype (dominant or recessive). |
비침습적 기계 환기(NIV)Refers to the administration of ventilatory (breathing) support without using an invasive artificial airway (endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube). Non-invasive ventilation does not require asurgical procedure. Individuals use a mask (i.e., full face, nasal, or nasal pillows) or other typeof mouthpiece interface (i.e., angled mouthpieces or straw) that can be wheelchair-connected via gooseneck tubing to deliver air from a bi-level device (BiPAP) or portable ventilator to ventilate the lungs (move air into and out of them). |
고아 질병희귀 질환 보기. |
정형외과 전문의Doctors who specialize in the bones and joints and the muscles, tendons, and ligaments attached to the bones. |
보조기보조기 및 부목과 같은 보조 장치를 말합니다. |
패널 테스트The selection of genes to be sequenced together in one genetic test. For example, many neurologists will select a neuromuscular panel test when testing to determine which LGMD subtype a person might have. NGS became widely used around 2014. Prior to that, a genetic sequencing technique called Sangar sequencing was used and genes were sequenced one at a time. |
패시브 운동다른 사람이나 기계의 노력으로 모든 동작을 수행하는 운동입니다. |
병원성 돌연변이질병의 발병에 기여하는 유전자 돌연변이(유전자 변종이라고도 함)를 말합니다. |
환자 등록A collection of secondary data related to patients with a specific diagnosis or condition. They play an important role in advancing research and post marketing surveillance of pharmaceuticals. |
폐렴A condition where the lung tissue becomes inflamed and filled with fluid. This can be caused by infection or injury to the lungs, and causes symptoms of coughing, chest pain, and difficulty inbreathing. In people with reduced coughing reflexes due to a reduced forced vital capacity, pneumonia is a risk. It is important to use a Cough Assist during illness to clear secretions if necessary. |
근위몸의 중앙에 가깝습니다. |
안검하수처진 눈꺼풀. |
폐Anything that affects, occurs within, or relates to the lungs. Clinicians measure pulmonary function, or lung function to assess how well a patient can breathe. |
폐 기능 검사 - (PFT)A test that is designed to measure how well the lungs are working; PFTs gauge how the lungs are expanding and contracting (when a person inhales and exhales) and measure the efficiency of the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the air within the lungs. The results give your health-care team detailed information about your respiratory system, and they may point out its potential weaknesses. |
호흡기 전문의호흡을 조절하는 근육과 같은 폐 및 폐와 관련된 구조의 장애를 전문으로 하는 의사는 호흡을 조절하는 근육을 전문으로 합니다. |
맥박 산소 측정기A device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood by utilizing a sensor attached typically to a finger, toe, or ear to determine the percentage of oxyhemoglobin in blood. |
소아과 의사(재활의학과 의사)"물리 의학 및 재활"을 전문으로 하는 의사. |
정신과 의사정신 건강 및 정서 문제를 전문으로 다루는 의사. |
동작 범위 운동(ROM)Exercise that involves putting a joint through its normal range of motion (as far as it can go in any direction); can be done actively or passively. |
희귀 질환Rare diseases are diseases which affect a small number of people compared to the general population and specific issues are raised in relation to their rarity. In the United States, a rare disease is defined as a condition that affects fewer than 200,000 people in the US. In Europe, a disease is rare when it affects 1 person per 2000. Rare diseases became known as orphan diseases because drug companies historically were not interested in adopting them to develop treatments. All limb girdle muscular dystrophy subtypes are rare diseases. |
열성 상속A form of inheritance in which a faulty copy of a gene is inherited from each parent (to develop the disorder an individual must have two copies of the faulty gene). Includes X-linked recessive and autosomal recessive modes of inheritance. |
호흡 부전호흡 기능이 신체의 필요를 충족시키기에 부적절한 상태입니다. |
근력 약화와 관련된 호흡 부전근육 약화로 인한 호흡 부전이며 일반적으로 폐 조직의 질병이 아닙니다. |
제한성 폐 질환Refers to chronic lung conditions that limit the ability of a person’s lungs to expand during inhalation. |
횡문근융해증A breakdown of muscle tissue that releases a damaging protein (myoglobin) into the blood. Symptoms include dark, reddish urine, a decreased amount of urine, weakness, and muscle aches. Myoglobin can damage the kidneys. Early treatment with aggressive fluid replacement reduces the risk of kidney damage. |
사코글리칸포티Sarcoglycanopothies are a group of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD) caused by faults in one of the four genes which give instructions to produce four proteins (sarcoglycans) important to the muscle fibers. Each type of sarcoglycanopathy is genetically different but people have similar symptoms. These include LGMD 2C/ LGMD R5 Gamma-sarcoglycan-related; LGMD 2D/LGMD R3Alpha-sarcoglycan-related; LGMD 2E/LGMD R4 Beta-sarcoglycan-related; and LGMD 2F/LGMD R6Delta-sarcoglycan-related. |
사롤레마각 근육 섬유를 둘러싼 막 또는 피부입니다. |
견갑골 날개Involves one or both shoulder blades sticking out from the back rather than lying flat and can occur in some forms of LGMD due to the wasting of specific muscle groups around the scapulae. |
척추 측만증척추의 비정상적인 측면 만곡. |
골격근Skeletal muscles are all the muscles that are attached to our bones. They are also called “voluntary”muscles, which means we can “control” their activity. These muscles are used to create movement, by applying force to bones and joints, via contraction. Other types of muscle include cardiac (heart)and smooth (blood vessels, stomach, intestines) muscle. |
폐활량 측정(호흡 측정)은 폐 기능 검사(PFT) 중 가장 일반적인 검사로, 폐 기능, 특히 들이마시고 내쉴 수 있는 공기의 양(부피) 및/또는 속도(유량)를 측정합니다. |
빈맥비정상적으로 빠른 심박수. |
Talipes발이 제자리에서 틀어져 있는 선천적 결함으로, 만곡족이라고도 합니다. |
조수량숨을 쉴 때마다 들이마시는 공기의 양입니다. |
기관Also known as windpipe, this cartilaginous and membranous tube descends from the larynx and branches into the left and right main bronchi. |
기관 절개술A surgical procedure that creates an opening for an artificial airway to maintain an individual’s ability to breathe. |
초음파A medical test that uses reflected sound waves to ‘see’ a hidden object. Now widely used in medicine to obtain images of muscle structure, internal organs or an unborn child. |
중요도를 알 수 없는 변형(VOUS 또는 VUS)질병 위험과의 연관성이 불분명한 유전자 돌연변이입니다. |
환기The process by which the exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) occurs in the alveoli in the lungs; a constant process of maintaining the proper balance between the O2 and CO2. |
인공호흡기A machine designed to move breathable air into and out of the lungs, to provide breathing for apatient who is physically unable to breathe or breathing insufficiently; can be used with noninvasive ventilation or with invasive ventilation. |
자발적 근육Muscles that can be moved by the free will of the person and are almost always associated with the skeleton system. These muscles are attached to the bones by means of tendons, and they are responsible for all kinds of movements. |
전체 엑솜 시퀀싱(WES)A medical test focused on trying to try to find a genetic cause of your symptoms. Most people who have WES have already had some genetic testing. WES is one of the most extensive genetic tests available. Because WES looks at more genes than most genetic tests, it may find a genetic cause for your symptoms even if previous genetic testing did not. The test utilizes a blood sample for analysis. |
전체 게놈 시퀀싱(WGS)A laboratory process that is used to determine nearly all of the approximately 3 billion nucleotides of an individual’s complete DNA sequence, including non-coding sequence. |
X-연결 상속A form of inheritance where a gene lies on the X chromosome. X-linked genes can be dominant but are usually recessive. Girls who carry an altered gene are usually not affected, since they have a second, normal copy of the gene. They are carriers, however, and can pass the affected gene on in50% of their pregnancies. Boys who have only one X chromosome do not have a second normal copy of the gene, so will be affected by the disorder. They will pass on the altered gene to all of their daughters, who will be carriers, but to none of their sons. |