
Name:  Naveen  Age: 32 yrs. oldUnknown - Naveen


LGMD Sub-Type:  Unknown


At what age were you diagnosed:

I was diagnosed at the age of 15.

What were your first symptoms:

I was experiencing difficult in running and had frequent falls.

Do you have other family members who have LGMD: 

No, I am the only one.

What do you find to be the greatest challenges in living with LGMD:

My greatest challenges are in climbing stairs, walking in crowded places and lower clothing.

What is your greatest accomplishment:

My greatest accomplishment is riding my bike.

How has LGMD influenced you into becoming the person you are today: 

I am ready to face any challenge!

What do you want the world to know about LGMD:

I want Support from the world.

If your LGMD could be “cured” tomorrow, what would be the first thing that you would want to do:

I would want to go running.